Saturday, October 20, 2012

Orb's...are they evidence?

If you want my personal opinion I would tell you to throw away all paranormal evidence consisting of Orb's. Orb's are those little white sphere's captured mainly by digital photography, they can come in different colors as well.  Why am I so anti Orb ? Well I see them all the time, in fact I have pictures of my living room with excess of 100 Orb's in one frame.  Then you take another shot and they appear to have moved or disappear totally.  Some explanation is simply dust on or near the lens.  So you ask yourself well there is no dust I cant see it.  Well dust is everywhere, the best way to see it is with IR cameras, its like we are all swimming in a sea of dust all the time! There could be other causes such as the hardware of the camera maybe software.  But before you get all angry with my opinion, I will also add that on video I have seen and captured Orb's that make me go "Huh".....The ones that change direction or just don't look right and seem to have a intelligence to them.  So I would say that 95% of Orb's can be thrown out.  The others need more in depth review.  Remember we base what we do as evidence, I cant go to a client and tell them their house is haunted because of some Orb's, when I know the majority of instances can be related to explainable causes.  
There is still the unknown, and I could be wrong but I base my opinions on the experiences I have had.

Jason NWP

1 comment:

  1. This is so intriguing. I had no idea... Thank-you so much for allowing me to see it all in a diffrent persoective. I am experiencing strange and unusal evnts everyday here in the NW? Can you help me???
